Sunday, March 18, 2012

Manic Monday Cycle

Too many green beers and corned beef sandwiches from Do Hickey's this weekend may have you craving a kick-butt workout.  The weather is perfect for an outdoor run (or bike), but if you're one that prefers the gym, this post is for you.  It's a simple interval bike routine that will get that tush tight for bikini season (which is apparently now)!  

Find a stationary bike at the gym and set it to the appropriate height (your leg should be bent slightly when the pedal is at it's lowest point). Set the timer for 15 minutes (you can increase the total time as you build endurance) and set the level/resistance between 7 and 10 (depending on your ability):

*Pedal 2 minutes in the saddle (sitting in the seat straight up) maintaing an RPM ~ 70-80
*Pedal 2 minutes sitting and leaning forward with forearms on the handles - maintaining an RPM ~ 70-80
*Pedal 30 seconds standing (off the seat) and leaning forward - maintaining an RPM at or above 100
Repeat 3 times until you've reached a time of 13:30 - at this point pedal full out sitting up for 45 seconds (14:15) and pedal full out another 45 seconds leaning forward until you hit 15 minutes.  Cool down for a few minutes and you're done!

Finish off the workout with a set of max push-ups (as many as you can possibly do - push yourself here), as well as max crunchers, and then go browse for some swimsuits online! 

Happy Monday!: Manic Monday - The Bangles

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